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2023-09-29 | Congratulation

Hard work, enterprise and responsibility, a constant desire for knowledge and self-development - all these qualities of a harmonious personality are clearly revealed in working people who personify the concept of “Adal Azamat”. In honor of the Labor Day holiday! 1st year students, group LRO-302, educational program 6B08303 - “Forest Resources and hunting” of the Department of Agriculture and Bioresources, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Management, Shakarim University spent a wonderful supervisory hour. It is not without reason that people say that work adorns a person, and a person adorns his era. Conscientious hard work is the key to success in life! At the end, the guys congratulated the technical staff of our faculty. After all, they are responsible for daily cleaning of premises and maintaining sanitary cleanliness around them. This is the hard work of responsible and kind people! Low bow to you! And as a sign of gratitude, the students congratulated and read beautiful poems. Kind words and wishes for good health were addressed to all technical staff of the faculty and a memorable photo was taken!
