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Educational programs
7M08101 - Agronomy
The group of educational programs М131 Crop Production is included in the field of education 7M08 Agriculture and Bioresources.

7 th place The educational program 7M08101 "Agronomy", implemented by the Shakarim University of the city of Semey, the Department of Agriculture and Bioresources, the Veterinary and agricultural management Faculty, was developed taking into account the needs of the regional labor market, the requirements of regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is a system of documents for organizing the educational process. The educational program regulates the goals, expected results, content, conditions and technologies for the implementation of the educational process, the assessment of the quality of the graduate's training in this area of ​​training and contains the characteristics of the program and the direction of the graduate's professional activity, learning outcomes and acquired competencies, policy evaluating learning outcomes, organization of the educational process, ensuring the quality of training of students, a description of the modules that make up the educational program, teaching materials that ensure the implementation of appropriate educational technologies. The content of the educational program is implemented through a curriculum developed in a modular format, which provides for two cycles of disciplines: a cycle of basic disciplines, a cycle of major disciplines and final certification
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of masters of the scientific and pedagogical direction is the development of at least 88 credits of theoretical training, including 6 credits of pedagogical practice, 13 credits of research practice, as well as at least 24 credits of research work of a master s student, including internships and the completion of a master s thesis, at least 8 credits of the final attestations . A total of 120 credits.
2 years.
To form undergraduates personal qualities as responsibility, tolerance, desire for self-development and disclosure of their creative potential, awareness of the social importance of the profession of agronomy, the ability to make organizational and managerial decisions in unusual situations and the willingness to be responsible for them, willingness to work in a team.
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Master of Agricultural Sciences under the educational programme 7M08101- Agronomy
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    They can hold primary positions as an agronomist in research laboratories of the agricultural sector, an agronomist in enterprises of various forms of ownership and the processing industry without presenting requirements for work experience in accordance with the qualification requirements of the Qualification Handbook of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees.
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    - research work - growing technology - all types of work with agricultural crops, crop products, - work with equipment and devices for the examination of the quality of seeds, biological products, chemical pesticides, biological active substances, macro and micropreparations, technical teaching aids for conducting classes, equipment for scientific work (feed, pastures, water sources).
  • Object of professional activity
    The objects of professional activity of graduates are: research organizations, management.
  • Types of professional activity
    Graduates of the educational program of the specialty 7M08101 "Agronomy" can carry out the following professional activities: - educational (pedagogical); - research; - organizational and managerial. Educational (pedagogical) activities: - teach agricultural, biological and biotechnological disciplines in universities and other educational institutions of state and non-state profile; Tasks of pedagogical activity: * in-depth study of the psychological and pedagogical process of higher education as an integral system, its structure, interaction of elements, content, development of organizational forms and methods of training in higher education on the example of the Department of Agrotechnology and Forest Resources; • study of modern educational technologies of higher education; obtaining practical skills of educational and methodical work in higher education, preparation of educational material on the required topic for a lecture, practical lesson, skills of organizing and conducting classes using new learning technologies; studying educational and methodical literature, software for recommended disciplines of the curriculum; direct participation in the educational process; * study of the possibilities of using innovative pedagogical technologies as a means of improving the quality of the educational process; * comprehensive study of federal state educational standards of higher education in the field of training, educational programs, educational and methodological complexes, educational and methodological manuals on disciplines, etc. Research activities: - conduct research and development, carry out design and survey work, scientific and organizational activities in various fields of agriculture; - in the field of agriculture, agronomy, plant protection, breeding and genetics of agricultural crops, soil science, agrochemistry, agricultural production technologies as researchers who are able to participate in collective research projects; teaching activities in educational programs of higher education. Tasks of research work: * application of the acquired knowledge in the implementation of scientific research in the field of general agriculture, • implementation of theoretical studies; * development and improvement of experimental research methods; * conducting experimental studies; * processing and analysis of the results of theoretical and experimental studies. Organizational and managerial activities: - perform organizational and technological activities in production institutions of the state agricultural service, carry out management activities and perform management and marketing tasks.
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Sociolinguistic and scientific-pedagogical activity

Learning outcomes for the module:

Promotes the formation of sociolinguistic competence and the application of fundamental scientific, pedagogical, managerial, communication knowledge and skills in professional activities.

Plant protection and basic farming

Learning outcomes for the module:

This module forms professional competencies in the main positions of plant protection and production processes in agriculture.

Сrop production

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module provides for the development of technology for the production of crop production for the organization and management of agricultural production.