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Educational programs
6B08101 - Agronomy
The group of educational programs B077 Crop production is included in the field of education 6В08 Agriculture and bioresources.

2022 year - 7th place 2023 year - 9th place Educational program implemented NAO "University nashakarim Semey" educational program 6B08101 agronomy, Department of "Agriculture and bio-resources", faculty of agriculture tailored to the needs of the regional labour market, the requirements of the normative documents of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is a system of documents for organization of educational process. Educational program reglamentary objectives, expected results, contents, conditions and technologies of realization of educational process, evaluation of quality of training of the graduate in this field of study and contains a description of the program and direction of professional activity of graduates, learning outcomes and acquired competences, the policy of assessing learning outcomes, organization the educational process, providing quality training of students, a description of the modules that make up the educational program, instructional materials,, ensuring the implementation of appropriate educational technologies. The contents of the educational program is implemented through curriculum developed in a modular format, where for the first level of education includes three subjects: the cycle of General educational disciplines, cycle of basic disciplines and the cycle of majors, and final examination. The educational program provides for the education of a student with special educational needs in the conditions of a higher educational institution, as well as his socialization and integration into society.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of bachelors is the development of students at least 205 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 27 credits of practice, 8 credits of final certification. Total 240 credits.
4 years.
The General purpose of the educational program is to provide conditions for a full-fledged, high-quality basic higher education, involving the training of competitive specialists – agronomy, satisfying the needs of society in highly qualified personnel.
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    The graduate of this educational program is awarded the academic degree "Bachelor of Agriculture". Graduates may hold positions: - agronomy-field-crop growers; - agronomists for plant protection; - meliorators-soil scientists; - farmers-managers; - the leaders of collective farms and firms in the agricultural sector; - inspector of seed control, variety testing, plant protection; inspector for the quarantine inspection at customs; - in all types of laboratories processing plant products; - inspector of territorial inspections
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    - management (laboratories, farms, agricultural department); - science (research organizations by profile: - agricultural crops, their varieties and hybrids, genetic collections of plants, seeds and planting material, commercial products; - agronomic landscapes, natural forage lands; - soil and its fertility; - fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides; - agricultural machinery and equipment; - technologies of production of crop production and its primary processing; - technologies of storage, transportation and pre-sale preparation of crop production; - processes of organization and management of a structural division of agricultural production, a small enterprise; - primary labor collectives.
  • Object of professional activity
    The objects of professional activity of graduates are: research organizations, the field of management.
  • Types of professional activity
    Graduates of the educational program "Agronomy" can perform the following types of professional activities: - production and technological, - organizational and managerial support, - project information, - scientific research. Research activities: - willingness to study modern information, domestic and foreign experience on the subject of research; ability to apply modern methods of scientific research in agronomy according to approved plans and methods; ability to perform laboratory analysis of soil, plant and crop production samples; Production and management activities: the ability to justify the selection of crop varieties for specific conditions of the region and the level of agricultural intensification, to prepare seeds for sowing; readiness to complete tillage, sowing and harvesting units and determine the schemes of their movement in the fields, to carry out technological adjustments of agricultural machines; ability to calculate doses of organic and mineral fertilizers for the planned crop, determine the method and technology of their application for agricultural crops; readiness to justify the system of crop rotations and land management of an agricultural enterprise; readiness to adapt tillage systems for crop rotation crops, taking into account fertility, steepness and exposure of slopes, ground water level, applied fertilizers and a complex of tillage machines; willingness to justify the technology of sowing crops and caring for them; ability to use agrometeorological information in the production of crop products; ability to justify the method of harvesting agricultural crops, primary processing of crop production and its storage; willingness to justify technologies for improving and rational use of natural forage lands, preparation of coarse and juicy feed; ability to ensure labor safety in the production of crop products; Organizational and technological activities: - ability to analyze the technological process as an object of management; - the ability to determine the value of the main production resources of an agricultural enterprise; - the ability to organize the work of performers, find and make management decisions in the field of organization and rationing of labor in different economic and economic conditions; - ability to conduct marketing research in agricultural markets; - willingness to systematize and summarize information on the use and formation of enterprise resources; - willingness to cooperate with colleagues, work in a team; knowledge of the principles and methods of organizing and managing small teams; ability to find organizational and managerial solutions in non-standard production situations and willingness to take responsibility for them; - work in a team and communicate effectively with colleagues, management, and consumers; - set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work with taking responsibility for the result of completed tasks; - be ready to change technologies in your professional activity. Project activities: - Preparation of business plans for agricultural enterprises of all forms of ownership for the production of agricultural crops most adapted to these soil climatic conditions.
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Language and socio-cultural training

Learning outcomes for the module:

Demonstrate knowledge on the historical foundations and periods of formation of independent Kazakhstan statehood in the context of the world and Eurasian historical process. Correlate individual phenomena and events of the historical past with the general paradigm of the world-historical development of human society through critical analysis, retrospective, comparative-historical and other methods of scientific research. Conduct analytical and axiological analysis in the study of complex historical processes, phenomena and historical figures of modern Kazakhstan. To acquire a theoretical understanding of the diversity of forms of human experience and knowledge, the nature of thinking, the relationship between truth and error, knowledge and faith, the peculiarities of the functioning of knowledge in previous historical epochs and in modern society. Improve the knowledge and skills acquired and formed on the basis of general secondary education. Use grammatical topics in speech situations (texts, dialogues, debates, etc.) To recognize and select keywords that convey the main idea of the text; to determine its main idea; to make a consistent plan. Use English in everyday speech. Discuss the main idea of the text, express your point of view, using the active vocabulary on the topic; - convey your idea in the discussion, giving reasonable arguments that confirm the authenticity of what was said Improve the knowledge and skills acquired and formed on the basis of general secondary education. Use grammatical topics in speech situations (texts, dialogues, debates, etc.) to recognize and select keywords that convey the main idea of the text. Correctly use the Kazakh language in everyday speech Determine the main directions of ICT development, the basics of using information resources for searching and storing information, the architecture and components of computer systems, the main goals and problems of information security.Work in any operating system, work with databases, apply methods and tools to protect information, create websites, work with spreadsheets. Process images, create multimedia presentations, visualize data, apply various forms of e-learning, work with cloud services. Show the role of physical culture in human development and specialist training, theoretical and methodological foundations of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle.Comply with the standards provided for in the physical culture program, implement a system of skills that ensure the preservation and promotion of health. Regulate the psychoemotional state during physical education and sports. This integrated discipline contains the philosophical and artistic foundations of works, historical facts related to the creative heritage of Abay Kunanbayev, Shakarim Kudaiberdiyev, Mukhtar Auezov and the study of the Kazakh alphabet based on Latin graphics, spelling rules, spelling and orthoepic norms. Information resources of the company. Forms and means of interaction with the resources of the global information environment. The main directions of using remote technologies. The concept of an electronic educational resource (EOR). Classification of EOR.

Social and Political Knowledge

Learning outcomes for the module:

To use the main provisions and methods of social-humanitarian and psychological sciences in solving social and professional problems, the formation of socio-political and ethical norms governing the relationship between the state, society and individual citizens. Acquiring an analytical perspective and serving society in a spirit of tolerance and equality. Interdisciplinary competencies in the field of economics and law, the basics of anti-corruption culture, ecology and life safety, as well as skills of entrepreneurship, leadership, and receptivity to innovation. The ability to develop critical thinking for orientation in the world of ideas and opinions, the formation of the need for philosophical reflection.


Learning outcomes for the module:

It is able to regulate microbiological processes in order to improve the quality of agricultural products and feed and soil fertility; Prepare solutions with a known concentration, conduct chemical analysis.analyses and calculations. To predict the phases of crop development, weather conditions, the impact of factors on productivity and correctly use them in agriculture. Understand the morphology, anatomy and physiology of plants, the basics of systematics and geography of plants. Distinguish cells and tissues of different parts of the plant; determine the types of root system of different plants and their structure, classify plants by departments, classes and families. Systematize samples of plant cells and tissues, seeds and fruits to determine their belonging to the plant species; To use the obtained theoretical knowledge and practical skills in mastering the complex of agronomic sciences on cultivation of cultivated plants, rational use of agricultural land, increasing soil fertility and crop yield, in the development of new farming systems, in the development of measures that free agriculture from harmful natural factors on cultivated crops, to summarize historical material on the development of foreign domestic and agronomy Classify soils, the main types of agricultural crops, their biological, varietal and economic characteristics, requirements for environmental conditions; Calculate the need of the economy for seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, fuel and lubricants, agricultural machines, tools and equipment, labor resources; Solve organizational and economic issues in making adjustments to agricultural techniques taking into account the prevailing weather conditions of a particular year.


Learning outcomes for the module:

Recognize the main types and varieties of soils, justify the directions of their use in agriculture and methods of reproduction of fertility; determine the bonus score. Systematize the fleets of agricultural machines, the main units in agriculture. Use agricultural machinery for its intended purpose and efficiently complete the units of agricultural machines with the maximum annual output. Describe the basics of the land cadastre and the principles of soil classification Determine the morphological characteristics of the soil horizon Conduct soil bonitation. Master the basics of plant nutrition Calculate fertilizer application rates. Carry out chemical reclamation of soils, the system of application of fertilizers. Determine the types of land reclamation and methods of its implementation Plan irrigation systems Determine the norms and methods of irrigation of agricultural crops. Own the laws of agriculture and crop production; the influence of agrotechnical techniques on the physical, chemical, technological and other properties of the soil; methods of improving the culture of agriculture, methods for determining the quality of seed material; Assess the prospects for the development of the economy in market conditions; Apply advanced progressive technology for growing crops, taking into account world achievements

Plant-grower products

Learning outcomes for the module:

Possess scientific and technological bases of production of high-quality seeds of agricultural crops; value, morphology and biological features of field crops; modern technologies of cultivation of crops; ways and methods of improving the quality of agricultural products, reducing its losses, as well as reducing labor costs and funds for growing crops. Have a clear idea of the classification of cultivated plants that are most widely distributed in the conditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Possess basic knowledge about the biological characteristics of fruit and berry crops Distinguish between varieties of fruit and berry crops by external characteristics Propagate promising varieties and types of fruit and vegetable crops. Define methods and principles of pasture management activities Use the knowledge gained to identify, predict and prevent the spread of diseases and pests. Possess the skills and techniques of using this knowledge for theoretical and practical purposes; Correctly and efficiently use the developed programs in the field of biotechnology. Conduct breeding work using biotechnological methods. Use the acquired practical skills of working in the laboratory of biotechnology. Use methods for assessing the quality of crop production. Make a plan for placing agricultural products in storage facilities, taking into account the quality. Analyze samples of agricultural products according to the requirements of the standard. Perform work on the technology of improvement of forage lands, preparation of forage Have deep knowledge of the technology of cultivation of forage crops; select the optimal timing and methods of forage harvesting; carry out the organization of forage harvesting in farms. The ability to justify the method of harvesting agricultural crops, primary processing of crop products and laying them for storage. Use knowledge about organizational, scientific and methodological bases of standardization, certification, metrology, evaluation of consumer properties of crop products, rationing and quality control of raw materials to ensure the efficiency of agricultural production. Use modern progressive technology of cultivation of agricultural crops; methods of increasing the culture of agriculture, methods of determining the quality of seed material; grapes, etc.; Draw up technological maps of cultivation of agricultural crops and organize field work in accordance with them; Apply advanced progressive technology of cultivation of agricultural crops, taking into account world achievements.

Plant protection and breeding

Learning outcomes for the module:

Has knowledge of the morphological and biological features of agricultural pests and the phenology of their development Determine the harmfulness of pests of agricultural crops. Apply pest control measures Possess knowledge about the main pathogens of plant diseases and the conditions of their spread. Determine the vulnerable phase of pathogen development for the application of measures for their destruction Explain the nature of the disease, the source of infection, harmfulness and phase of development. Explain the structure, structure, function of genes and chromosomes, the basic laws of heredity and variability. Analyze the types of inheritance of breeding traits, types of genetic variability that arise under the influence of mutagenic factors. Apply practical skills in the laboratory. Plan experiments with genetic material. Determine the nature of crop diseases and the conditions for their spread. Determine the vulnerable phase of pathogen development for the application of measures for their destruction Describe the nature of the disease, the source of infection, harmfulness and phase of development. Describe methods of chemical protection of plants. The use of chemical fertilizers in practice Apply the acquired knowledge in the field of agriculture. To use the methods and principles of control measures against diseases and pests of plants Use the acquired knowledge to identify, predict and prevent the spread of plant diseases and pests, taking into account the requirements of environmental protection. Possess the skills and techniques of using this knowledge for theoretical and practical purposes. Carry out all types of breeding works taking into account the basic laws of genetics; determine the varietal and sowing qualities of seeds; is able to carry out hybridization techniques, crossing techniques; fill out documents on breeding and seed production. Use modern progressive technology of cultivation of agricultural crops; methodology for determining the quality of seed material; fundamentals of technology of storage and processing of rast. products.

Systems of agriculture

Learning outcomes for the module:

Use agronomic research methods: basic concepts and classification of research methods, basic elements of the field experience methodology Conduct experiments, analyses, maintain documentation and reporting Apply the acquired knowledge in the field of agriculture. Demonstrates the skills of accounting, mapping and assessment of crop rotation infestation; skills of justification of the system of crop protection from weeds. Master the general concepts of the influence of irrigation on the properties and fertility of soils, study and learn to use the scientific and practical basis of designing the basis of irrigated agriculture. Design an irrigation system for irrigated land of an agricultural enterprise. Possess practical skills in organizing the work of irrigation systems. Possess the theoretical and methodological foundations of a scientific approach to agrolandscape farming. Select the optimal structure of the agricultural landscape system of agriculture in a given soil and climate zone. Get skills in designing crop rotation systems, tillage, plant protection measures in the system of agrolandscape agriculture. Use the values of the state variety testing in the selection and seed production of agricultural crops. Organization of the variety testing process. Regulations for the conduct of variety trials. State-owned network of variety testing stations. Use the method of conducting variety testing of individual crops. Carry out variety testing documentation. Carry out the production of elite seeds, the basics of seed production. To apply the theoretical knowledge in the workplace. Carry out the organization and technique of the selection process. Solve organizational and economic issues in making adjustments to agricultural techniques, taking into account the prevailing weather conditions of a particular year