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Educational programs
6B08303 - Forest Resources and Hunting
The group of educational programs В079 Forestry is included in the field of education 6В08 Agriculture and bioresources.

2022 year - 5th place 2023 year - 1st place Bachelor's degree training in the educational program B08303 "Forest resources and Hunting" is carried out at the graduate department "Agriculture and Bioresources", Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Management of Shakarim University. The educational program B08303 "Forest resources and hunting" was developed taking into account the needs of the regional labor market. The educational program is focused on training a new type of personnel with broad fundamental knowledge, initiative, adaptive to the changing requirements of the labor market and technologies. The uniqueness of the educational program B08303 "Forest resources and hunting" is that students receive practical skills in real production conditions. This is ensured by the cooperation of such organizations as the Republican State Institution "State Forest Natural Reserve "Semey Ormany", the RGC "Republican Forest Selection and Seed Breeding Center" Semey structural division and others. The educational program provides an opportunity to obtain training results and acquired competencies that meet the requirements of employers. Graduates of the educational program B08303 "Forest resources and hunting" are able to think systematically, strategically, possess the skills to solve specific problems in the field of biodiversity conservation for traditional and emerging sectors of forestry and research activities. Graduates of the educational program B08303 "Forest resources and hunting" provide optimization of the use and reproduction of forest resources, management of wildlife and hunting, forest management in the field of their use, protection, protection and reproduction; integrated forest zoning and modeling of commodity, bioecological productivity of forests, organization of forestry and forest management, development of optimal forest plans for the Republic of Kazakhstan. The educational program regulates the goals, expected results, content, conditions and technologies for the implementation of the educational process, assessment of the quality of graduate training in this field of training and contains a description of the program and the direction of professional activity of the graduate, the results of training and acquired competencies, the policy of evaluating the results of training, the organization of the educational process that ensures the quality of training of students, a description of the modules that make up the educational program, methodological materials, ensuring the implementation of the appropriate educational technology.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of bachelors is the development by students of at least 205 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 27 credits of practice, 8 credits of final certification. Total 240 credits.
4 years.
The purpose of the educational program is the development of students personal qualities and the formation of general cultural and professional competencies, training in demand specialists in the development and implementation of measures for multi-purpose permanent and non-depleting use of forests, management and management of hunting, prospects for wild breeding and animal husbandry, forest inventory, the use of information technologies in forestry.
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Bachelor of Agriculture in the educational program
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    Forester, assistant forester, forestry engineer, engineer of forest crops, engineer for the protection and protection of forests, taxator engineer, forest inspector, master of a forest nursery, master gardener, phyto pathologist engineer, head of hunting and production sites, leading specialist, chief specialist in the central and territorial bodies in the field of protection, reproduction and use of wildlife, head of the regime protection service in specially protected natural territories; inspector of territorial inspections.
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    The subjects of the graduate's professional activity are: - technology of growing planting material; - methods and methods of collecting and storing forest seeds; - systems and methods of state forest control and supervision over the use, protection, protection and reproduction of forests; - hydro-reclamation systems; - land reclamation systems; - systems and methods of forest development planning; - technological systems, means and methods of the state forest inventory; - methods, methods and means of collecting, processing and analyzing quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the state of forests; - technological systems, means and methods of reforestation, forest care, protection and protection of forests; - technological systems, means and methods of afforestation to prevent water, wind and other soil erosion; - technological systems, means and methods of design, creation, operation, reconstruction of forest park plantations; - reproduction and processing of forest resources; - methods of non-wood products of the forest; - hunting farms of various forms of ownership; - state nature reserves; - zoological reserves; - national nature parks and reserves; - specially protected natural areas; - agricultural machinery and equipment; - technologies for the production of leather, fur and fur raw materials and its primary processing; - state institutions for the protection of forests and wildlife; republican and regional bodies of state management of the animal world and hunting economy; tourist organizations and public associations of hunters and fishermen.
  • Object of professional activity
    The objects of the graduate's professional activity are: - forest and urban ecosystems of various levels and their components: flora and fauna, soils; - natural and man-made forestry systems, including structures and measures that increase the usefulness of natural objects and components of nature: forest and ornamental nurseries, forest plantations, artificial forest plantations, forest parks, hydro-reclamation systems, land reclamation systems, nature protection complexes; - forest specially protected natural territories and other forests of high conservation value that have exceptional or particularly important ecological properties, eco-system functions and social role; - participants in forest relations, ensuring the planning of forest development, carrying out the use, protection, protection and reproduction of forests, carrying out state forest control and supervision of the use, protection, protection and reproduction of forests; - systems and methods of forest development planning, technological systems, means and methods of state forest inventory, monitoring of their condition, including methods, methods and means of collecting, processing and analyzing quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the state of forests; - technological systems, means and methods of reforestation, forest care, protection and protection of forests that increase forest productivity, ensure multi-purpose rational, continuous, non-depleting use of forests to meet the needs of society in forests and forest resources; - technological systems, means and methods of afforestation for the prevention of water, wind and other soil erosion, for the creation of protective forests, for the reclamation of man-made landscapes; - systems and methods of state forest control and supervision over the use, protection, protection and reproduction of forests; - technological systems, means and methods of designing, creating, operating, and reconstructing forest park stands that ensure the formation of a favorable environment for recreation, tourism and other types of recreational activities in forest areas, increasing their resistance to adverse factors and aesthetic expressiveness; - hunting grounds, hunting animals, hunting products, related hunting products, hunting dogs, hunting animals, hunting animals listed in the Red Book, technical means used for hunting.
  • Types of professional activity
    Production and technological activities: - participation in the development and implementation of measures for multi-purpose rational, continuous, non-depleting use of forests to meet the needs of society in forests and forest resources, depending on the purpose of forests and the useful functions performed by them; - participation in the development and implementation of measures to preserve forests of high environmental value, to ensure environmental, water protection, protection and protection of forests, to produce planting material for forest-forming and ornamental species of trees and shrubs, to care for forests, reforestation and afforestation, recultivation of disturbed landscapes and other useful functions of forests; - participation in the implementation of the state forest inventory, in conducting forest management, in providing economic entities and forest and forest park management bodies with information on the state of forests, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics, in documenting information for maintaining the state forest register and cadastral accounting of forest plots; - participation in the development and implementation of measures for the creation, operation, reconstruction of forest park plantations that increase their resistance to adverse factors, aesthetic expressiveness, the level of comfort of human stay in the forest environment, its overall aesthetic enrichment; - monitoring compliance with technological discipline and proper operation of technological equipment, infrastructure structures that support the optimal mode of growth and development of vegetation at the objects of the forest complex; - ensuring the sustainable use of hunting animals in accordance with the current regulations, limits (quotas) and rules; conducting work on the organization of animal husbandry; organization of commodity production and procurement of fur raw materials, procurement and processing of wild products, wild animal meat ; accounting and maintaining state cadastres of the animal world and hunting grounds; be able to apply in practice scientifically based methods of hunting management; be able to properly organize the protection and reproduction of hunting and commercial, as well as rare and endangered animals; be able to use laboratory and field hunting equipment, hunting tools. Organizational and managerial activities: - participation in forest management (in the field of their use, protection, protection and reproduction); - participation in the management of recreational forest management facilities (in the field of their creation, functional use, reconstruction, improvement of sanitary and hygienic and aesthetic qualities of plantings); - participation in the implementation of state forest control and supervision of compliance by all forest users with the rules: timber harvesting and other forest resources, fire safety in forests, sanitary safety in forests, reforestation and forest care rules, calculation of the amount of damage caused to forests due to violations of forest legislation; - organization of the work of a team of performers, making managerial decisions in the conditions of different opinions; - finding a compromise between different requirements (cost, quality, safety and deadlines) both for long-term and short-term planning and determining the optimal solution; - assessment of production and non-production costs during work on forest and forest park facilities; - implementation of technical control, supervision; - organization of the work of a team of performers; planning and organization of production work; selection of optimal solutions when planning work in non-standard situations; control over the use of hunting grounds; participation in the assessment of the economic efficiency of economic activity; ensuring safety at the production site; be able to use educational and laboratory equipment and computer technologies for setting up a scientific experiment; be able to organize the commercial production of fur and fur raw materials; be able to organize and carry out measures to improve the breeding qualities of animals and increase the yield of offspring. Project activities: - participation in the development of forest development projects, in the preparation of forestry regulations taking into account environmental, economic and other parameters; - participation in the design of individual objects of forest and forest park management (forest and ornamental nurseries, forest plantations, artificial forest plantations, forest hydro-reclamation systems, forest parks, specially protected natural territories); - carrying out technical calculations on projects, technical-economic and functional-cost analysis of the effectiveness of the planned measures, finding compromise solutions in conditions of multi-criteria, uncertainty, planning the implementation of the project; - participation in the development (on the basis of existing standards) of methodological and regulatory documents, technical documentation, as well as proposals and measures for the implementation of developed projects for forest and forest park facilities using information technologies; - the study of scientific and technical information, domestic and foreign experience on the subject of research; the use of the basic laws of natural science disciplines in professional activity; the use of methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research; the use of basic methods of obtaining, storing, processing information in accordance with general professional competencies; to find practical application of the latest achievements of science and introduce them into practice. Environmental protection: organization of work on the protection, maintenance of the number and rational use of resources of hunting animals; conducting explanatory work among hunters and the local population on the issues of careful attitude to natural resources, their correct and rational use, compliance with existing rules and regulations in the hunting economy. Cultural and educational: to organize and conduct explanatory work among hunters and the local population on the issues of caring for natural resources, the correct and rational use of them; the desire for self-development, improving their skills and skills, acquiring new knowledge in the field of hunting; to be ready to perceive the culture and customs of other countries and peoples; to be tolerant of national, racial, confessional differences, the ability to intercultural communication; the ability to extract and analyze information from various sources; knowledge of a foreign language for communication in the educational, scientific, professional and socio-cultural sphere.
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Module 1. Fundamentals of social and humanitarian knowledge

Learning outcomes for the module:

This module reveals such aspects as: socio-cultural, economic-legal, environmental knowledge, communication skills, the use of information technology taking into account modern trends in the development of society.

Module 2. Informatization of forestry

Learning outcomes for the module:

The content of the module includes a set of methods and tools used for the collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information, the introduction of geoinformation programs, the purpose of which is to predict, model and protect forestry in a timely manner.

Module 3. Biological diversity

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module combines disciplines that study the genetic, species and ecosystem diversity of animal, plant and other life forms, and how they interact with each other in their natural environments.

Module 4. Increasing forest productivity

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module studies the conservation and improvement of integrated forest productivity through the application of a system of economic measures differentiated depending on the region conditions and the intended purpose of forestlands.

Module 5. Forestry logging technology and machines

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module contains disciplines aimed at using machines and technological processes that use resource-saving technologies in logging production.

Module 6. Protection of forests from harmful organisms, ensuring sanitary safety in forests

Learning outcomes for the module:

The content of the module includes disciplines aimed at providing knowledge on the protection of the state forest fund from pests and diseases, ensuring systematic monitoring of its condition, identification of foci, measures for prevention, localization and elimination of dangerous factors.

Module 7. Greening and protection of national resources

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module is a set of works on engineering training, placement of architectural forms, design of landscaping, landscape improvement, protection and protection carried out in order to bring the territory to its intended use.

Module 8. Soil and forest monitoring

Learning outcomes for the module:

The content of the module includes disciplines studying soil fertility, their compliance with the requirements of forest crops, indicators of chemical, physical and water-physical properties of soils, indicators of soil pollution, types of erosion and deflation of soils, in order to be able to control, manage, predict and improve the condition of forestlands.

Module 9. Sustainable forest management

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module is a system whose purpose is to form measures regulating impacts on forests, ensuring the achievement and stable maintenance of their target dynamics, ensuring continuous non-exhausting multi-purpose forest management, conservation and improvement of productivity, sustainability and biodiversity of forests.

Module 10. Use of hunting resources

Learning outcomes for the module:

The basis of the module is the content of disciplines studying the conservation and use of hunting resources and their habitat, the creation of a hunting infrastructure, the purpose of which is to ensure species diversity and conservation of the number of game animals and birds.

Module 11. Current state of forest resources

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module provides a comprehensive view of the world's forests and how this resource is changing; its detailed global picture contributes to the formation of sound policies, practices and investments affecting forests and forestry in the global space based on legislation.