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Results of the competition among students "SHAKARIM START-UP - 2022"

2023-01-16 | Science

According to the results of the competition among students "SHAKARIM START-UP - 2022", 2 projects from the Department of Agriculture and Bioresources were proposed for funding.

1. The project "Production of decorative items from plaster" was prepared by a student of the TZh-901 group Bakhytbekuly Raiymbek, a student of the TZh-101 group Akhmetbekov Bekzhan, students of the TG-201 group Kanibekuly Shakhar, Tokenov Nurbek, Omirserik Ainaz under the guidance of a teacher Kazhibekova Tomiris Kairatkyzy.

2. The project called "Biohumus production" was prepared by Alimbek Aizhan, a student of the AG-901 group, under the guidance of teacher Dosmaganbetova Akerke Oralgazykyzy.

We sincerely congratulate the heads of startup projects and students who took part in its preparation! This is not our last victory!
