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Dirty (kettlebell) lifting, hand-to-hand combat, darts throwing games

2023-03-15 | News

NAOā€ University named after Shakarima G. Semeyā€œ, departmentā€ Veterinary Medicine", organized by students of groups VM - 901, VM-903 specialty 5b120100-Veterinary medicine, held competitions in mud lifting (gear), hand-to-hand combat, darts throwing!
šŸ”¹ The purpose of the competition: promotion of a healthy lifestyle among students, close communication with each other, effective use of time, increasing interest in sports.
7 teams took part in the competition. Students who won prizes at the end of the competition:
Kettlebell lifting (16kg):
šŸ„‡Student VM-901 Elekenov Serikzhan
šŸ„ˆStudents VM-901, Nurgazinov Dias
šŸ„‰Student VS-901 Kabykenov Bayyr
From hand-to-hand combat:
šŸ„‡Student VM-901 Zhanakhmetov Ulan
šŸ„ˆStudent VM-903 Shayakhmetov Uakhit
šŸ„‰Student VM-901 Zhunusov Nurzhan
From throwing darts:
šŸ„‡Students VS-903 Serik Arai, Kalzhanova Tomiris
šŸ„ˆStudents VM-903 Kanagatova Akbota, Temirzhanova Zhuldyz
šŸ„‰Students VS-901 Kulkai Marzhan, Murat Ainur

We express our gratitude to every team that participated in the competition! Victorious days are still ahead!
