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40th anniversary meeting

2023-06-13 | News

 ️ At the Department of” Veterinary Medicine " there was a meeting of graduates who graduated 40 years ago.

️ ️ In 1978, 273 students were admitted to this educational institution, it was formed in 10 groups, and in 1983, more than 200 young specialists went to the corners of Kazakhstan as 8 groups.

️ ️ The young man spent an interesting little time together with friends-groups, now experts in different fields, respected citizens in all parts of Kazakhstan returned to the same black shanyrak 40 years later.

️ ️ We wish health to our brothers and sisters,who have not forgotten their flying nests, and well-being to their families!

️ ️ Let the younger generation, the student community be as honorable, successful and educated as the previous generation of brothers and sisters!
