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The best pedagogical master class

2023-08-23 | Science

✅ In honor of the beginning of the 2023-2024 academic year, various seminars are organized at the University.

Today,within the framework of a master class on the topic” The Best pedagogical experience “at the Department of” Veterinary Medicine“, associate professor of our department Serikova Ainur Temeshovna held a master hour for teachers of the Department on the topic” professional development of teachers - a form of self-improvement".

During the master class in the second semester of 2022-2023, with the funding of the university management, they shared their knowledge and experience gained from advanced training courses at the saken Seifullin agrotechnical University in Astana.

In this regard, it should be noted that in the training of competitive personnel, the gradual professional development of teachers of higher educational institutions is of particular importance.
