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Progress of production practice!

2023-10-26 | News

From 04.09 to 22.10, 2023, the VS-901 group successfully passed production practice.
During the practice, students passed production practices in 3 areas:
- Veterinary inspection
- Veterinary laboratory
The task of the veterinary laboratory is to diagnose diseases of agricultural animals,including meat, milk and bees.
examination of other food and feed products.
The object of research is agricultural animals and birds,species of wild animals and birds, bacteria of various nomenclature, feed, water, soil and other forms of Veterinary Control.
Research methods-methods of serological, bacteriological, molecular-biological, biochemical, toxicological, and Radiological Research in the course of research
The team that passed the serology department,where we found the reaction of Compoment binding(CBD), the Rose-Bengal test(RSC), work with documents,went to the Saturday market and determined the freshness of meat, the reaction of the ring to milk.
Proper production practice will make a great contribution for students to further combine and practice the theoretical knowledge gained at the University and become qualified and educated specialists in the field of Veterinary Medicine in the future.

For the work done during the production practice, Mukat Dias Oktyabrovich was awarded a letter of thanks.
