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Worship of Independence

2023-03-01 | News

December 16, 1991 became one of the most important, joy-filled days for the Kazakh people. This year we are 31 years old. There have been many good changes in the history of the Kazakh people for 31 years. Independence Day in the country is always celebrated at a high level.

🔹In honor of this holiday, a festive event “tagzym Tauelsizdik tagzym” was held under the leadership of the fourth-year students and the adviser of the fourth-year groups VS-901, VS-903 of our department Ainur Sembayevna. The beginning of the concert event began with a minute commemoration of the victims, the choir, songs, dances, kui and historical scenes were presented, which gave the audience a special mood.

Independence is an important holiday not only for residents of Kazakhstan, but also for representatives of the Kazakh people abroad.
