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Faculty Commission on Academic Quality

2023-11-16 | News

At the Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Management, under the leadership of the Chairman of the Intra-Faculty Commission on Academic Quality, Dzhamanova G.I. another meeting was held. The main attention was paid to the issue “On preparation for the winter examination session of the 2023-2024 academic year.” In the recommendations, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Akhmetova B.S. emphasized the need for faculty teaching staff to prepare high-quality examination material and conduct explanatory work in groups. Important were the planned issues: “On the quality of organization and methodological support of independent work of students in the specialties of the EP faculty (bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s, doctoral)”, “On the approval of the transfer of credits for students studying on the basis of verified transcripts of other educational organizations (academic mobility, transfer, restoration) and development of academic credits in excess of credits approved by the EP in one academic period”, “Expert assessment of the relevance, accessibility and reliability of educational and educational literature placed in the book supply map of the EP and syllabuses of disciplines”. All speakers: Serikova A.T. Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Academic Quality of the Faculty, Satieva K.R. - and about. Professor of the Department of Agriculture and Bioresources, Zheksenaev A.B. - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Veterinary Medicine revealed the issues and provided the necessary recommendations for their implementation. The meeting of the Commission on Academic Quality of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Management successfully completed its work.
