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«Shakarim High School»

2024-01-31 | News

🔹Students of grades 10-11 of the Shakarim Higher School came to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Management and got acquainted with the internal life of our faculty.
🔹The dean of our faculty and heads of departments briefly spoke about the educational programs of the Faculty of Veterinary Agricultural Management. In addition, the small dean’s office organized a special small concert program for schoolchildren. The achievements of active students were noted. Various interesting games were played, prizes were awarded, and schoolchildren were able to touch a piece of student life.

🔹Then students got acquainted with the departments that are part of our faculty and had the opportunity to personally see the unique features and secrets of each specialty.

🔹If your future young applicant chooses the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Management of Shakarim University, we are confident that our faculty will welcome you warmly, fill you with knowledge, and make your student years fun and unforgettable

