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Internal academic mobility

2023-01-26 | News

Academic mobility of a student is the transfer of a student to another higher educational institution (domestic or foreign) for a certain academic period (semester or academic year) for training or research, as well as the mandatory continuation of the received educational programs in another higher educational institution.

♻️The main goal of academic mobility is to ensure the quality of Kazakhstani higher education in accordance with international standards, to increase its competitiveness.

♻️ 5 students of our department went to NJSC "University of Toraigyrov" in Pavlodar under the program of internal academic mobility

• 2nd year students of the TZh-101 group Ademі Serikbaikyzy and Ayazhan Bolatbekova ЕP 6В08201 - Technology for the production of livestock products;

• 2nd year students of group AG-101 Bazaralina Ayazhan and Muratova Aida, EP 6В08101 - "Agronomy";

• 2nd year student of the group LRO-101 Nugmanova Aruzhan ЕP 6B08303 - "Forest resources and hunting science";

We wish success to our students who left our university for the city of Pavlodar under the academic mobility program!
