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Master's students have improved their experience

2023-04-12 | Science

✅ At the Department of "Veterinary Medicine" of the Faculty of Agricultural Management and veterinary medicine from 20.03.2023 to 09.04.2023, 2nd year undergraduates underwent pedagogical practice.
✅ Purpose of pedagogical practice:
- study the basics of pedagogical and educational-methodical work; - strive for practical approaches to teaching in high school;
- consolidation of knowledge in the general course of pedagogy and psychology;
- mastering various technologies, teaching methods and techniques for transmitting written and oral material, which allows you to improve the educational process;
- mastering and developing new methods of educational work;
- familiarization of the master's student of technical disciplines with the specifics of the teacher's activities.
✅ In the course of pedagogical practice, undergraduates mastered the culture of communication with students, the skills of preparing and conducting lectures, practical and educational classes. Pedagogical experience contributed to the accumulation of experience necessary for various methods of Education used in future pedagogical activities.
