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8D09101-Veterinary medicine

Bilyalov Yermekkazy

Program Manager
  • 531920
  • er_men67@mail.ru
  • Code and classification of the field of education: 8D09 - Veterinary
  • Code and classification of the educational program group: D138 - Veterinary science
  • Awarded degree / qualification: Doctor of Philosophy PhD in the educational program 8D09101 8D09101 - Veterinary medicine
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8D09102-Veterinary sanitation

Serikova Ainur

Program Manager
  • Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor
  • 87081660148
  • aiser_71@mail.ru
  • Code and classification of the field of education: 8D09 - Veterinary
  • Code and classification of the educational program group: D138 - Veterinary science
  • Awarded degree / qualification: Doctor of Philosophy PhD in the educational program
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7M09101-Veterinary Medicine

Bilyalov Yermekkazy

Program Manager
  • 531920
  • er_men67@mail.ru
  • Code and classification of the field of education: 7M09 - Veterinary
  • Code and classification of the educational program group: M138 - Veterinary Science
  • Awarded degree / qualification: Master of Veterinary Sciences in the educational program
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6B09101-Veterinary Medicine

Zhexenayeva Assel

Program Manager
  • Doktor filosofii PhD
  • 87016083281
  • asel1980@inbox.ru
  • Shugaev 159a
  • Code and classification of the field of education: 6B09 - Veterinary
  • Code and classification of the educational program group: B083 - Veterinary Science
  • Awarded degree / qualification:
  • Atameken rating: The educational program did not participate in the Atameken-2022 rating, due to the termination of the enrollment of students and/or the lack of graduation
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Zhexenayeva Assel

Program Manager
  • Doktor filosofii PhD
  • 87016083281
  • asel1980@inbox.ru
  • Shugaev 159a
  • Code and classification of the field of education: 6B09 - Veterinary
  • Code and classification of the educational program group: B083 - Veterinary Science
  • Awarded degree / qualification: veterinary specialist in the educational program
  • Atameken rating: 2022 year - 7th place 2022 year - 2nd place
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6B09102-Veterinary Sanitation

Zhexenayeva Assel

Program Manager
  • Doktor filosofii PhD
  • 87016083281
  • asel1980@inbox.ru
  • Shugaev 159a
  • Code and classification of the field of education: 6B09 - Veterinary
  • Code and classification of the educational program group: B083 - Veterinary Science
  • Awarded degree / qualification:
  • Atameken rating: The educational program did not participate in the Atameken-2022 rating, due to the termination of the enrollment of students and/or the lack of graduation
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