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Meeting of DR. Hartwig Mennen with students

2023-02-15 | News

Today, Shakarim University students met with logo Chairman DR Hartwig Mennen. He spoke in detail about the program, experience, financial issues and answered students' questions.

Since 1995, he has been striving for professional training, organic agriculture and international understanding. For students, Logo offers six months of organic farming practice and seminars. The practice can be extended up to one year. Practitioners pay for trips to and from the country, as well as visas. During the internship, they receive 380 euros per month for working 40 hours a week. Overtime work is compensated by vacation. Farmers pay for accommodation and meals, and Logo covers the costs of insurance and seminars.

It is worth noting that interns will have a Russian-speaking curator who will be their adviser for six months.
