The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of masters of the scientific and pedagogical direction is the development of at least 84 credits of theoretical training, including 6 credits of pedagogical practice, 9 credits of research practice, as well as at least 24 credits of research work of a master's student, including internships and the completion of a master's thesis, at least 12 credits of the final attestations . A total of 120 credits.
2 years.
Awarded degree / qualificationMaster of Veterinary Sciences in the educational program
Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialistTeacher Researcher at Universities and research institutes Manager and specialist of the management apparatus in the field of veterinary medicine Veterinarian in the field of production Veterinarian in research laboratories of the agricultural sector and livestock farms Veterinarian at the enterprises of the food and processing industry
OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)7
Area of professional activityScientific and pedagogical, veterinary activities
Object of professional activityresearch institutes, public and private organizations of veterinary profile; - secondary specialized and higher professional educational institutions; - research and design organizations of the educational sector; - enterprises for the production, processing, storage, sale of food products and animal and vegetable feed; - laboratories of veterinary and sanitary examination of markets and food safety; - state customs service institutions and checkpoints;
Types of professional activityScientific and pedagogical activity. - processes and analyzes the results of experimental studies - compiles reports (sections of reports) on the topic of research and development or its section (stage, task); -carries out the selection of scientific, technical and patent literature in the field of veterinary medicine, carries out its analysis and generalization; - plans experimental research and performs scientific experiments; -implements the results of research and development into practice; -organizes the educational process; - develops methodological support of the educational process; -uses pedagogical technologies; -recommends the use of innovative methods in the educational process. * Organizational and managerial activities: - analyzes and summarizes the materials of enterprises on the results of veterinary and sanitary examination at the objects of gosvetnadzor; - organizes methodical management of the production activities of the company's specialists; - organizes the testing and introduction of new veterinary and sanitary preparations,
Learning outcomes for the module:
Demonstrates the ability to solve ideological, sociolinguistic and philosophical problems in educational and professional activities. Demonstrates the ability to solve problems of higher pedagogical education and prospects for its further development. Manages multicultural teams, applying modern approaches to motivation, communication in crisis situations, control and integrated quality management.
Learning outcomes for the module:
Solves modern problems of veterinary sanitation on the basis of the latest scientific achievements in this field
Learning outcomes for the module:
Solves the problems of veterinary and sanitary well-being and food safety
Learning outcomes for the module:
Develops new and improves existing methods of veterinary and sanitary examination of food products